In the world of poker there are all types of players who turn to all different sorts of strategies in their poker playing. Most of these players fall into two categories – loose players and tight players. Figuring out if you are playing against a loose player or a tight player can help you build your own strategy and play to win.
The term “tight player” is used to describe a poker player that plays very few poker hands. These players are “tight” with their bankroll, only staying in the game when they have a very good hand. When you play against a tight player you can be pretty sure that if they stay in the game they have a good hand. However, tight players also have the advantage of being able to throw in a good bluff every now and then, getting the other players to fold and winning with a poker hand that is only so-so.
Loose players, on the other hand, are players that play lots of hands. With these players you can never be sure how good their hand truly is. Strategizing against a loose player is tougher, since you can never know if they have a strong hand or not. However, playing loose holds a lot more risk when it comes to your bankroll. I tend to stick to tight play in my poker games and I think that in the long run you win a lot more than you lose when you play tight.