Antonio Esfandiari: Broke, Starving in Airport after buying out of No Sex Bet

These days, it seems like Antonio Esfandiari just can’t stay out of the poker news. Whether he’s doing his Strip Magic show for Ultimate Poker or entering into a no sex prop bet with Bill Perkins, Esfandiari is all across the headlines.

Speaking of the latter, “The Magician” recently gave some intimate details on the no sex prop bet. As he told PokerStategy, the Big One for One Drop winner has already bought out of the $500k wager. Esfandiari made the bet when he was drunk, but decided against it after doing some deep thinking. Here’s an excerpt on what he said:

I wasn’t even worried about it. Then the next couple days I spent doing a little bit of research and calling my other friends who I know had done it, and I realised that, as much as I thought I could do it, it was something that I didn’t want to do. As a man, what is my purpose of being here? To put one of those things, one of the most important things, on the shelf for a year was going to be really tough.

Esfandiari never said how much he paid to get out of the bet. But it must have been quite a bit since he recently found himself at the Las Vegas airport, broke and starving. Below you can see what the famed poker pro tweeted on the matter:

I kid u not I found myself at LV airport right now w ZERO cash and no CC – and starving – what did I do ?!? Walked around until I found a…Poker fan n asked him to borrow 30$ He could not believe it !! Now I get to eat and he will be paid back in spades TY

We imagine that this was all really just an oversight on Esfandiari’s part, or he just wanted something challenging to do like seeing if somebody would give him food money. After all, he’s less than two years removed from his $18.35 million payday for winning the One Drop tourney. And we can’t imagine the less-than-$500k payout that he gave Perkins would leave him begging at airports for food. But it’s still kind of a funny coincidence.