Jonathan Duhamel Troubles Continue

Back on December 22nd, we brought you the Jonathan Duhamel robbery story, where two men broke into his Montreal home, stole cash and his 2010 WSOP Main Event bracelet, and beat the poker pro senseless. Towards the end of this story, we also talked about some of the other poker pros who’ve gotten into similar troubles, which could be a product of who they associate with and their partying habits.

Getting to the point, Jonathan Duhamel found himself in yet another bad situation at the 2012 PCA players party. German poker pro Martin Finger alleges that Duhamel got drunk, and started mouthing off to him in the Bahamas club where the party was held. Interestingly enough, the 2011 EPT Prague winner also said that he was the person who got thrown out of the club by security after the two began arguing.

Still angry about the verbal altercation he had with Duhamel in the club, Finger waited outside until the Canadian came out. Once Duhamel did show his face, Finger punched him before security rushed in to stop a possible fight.

It’s kind of hard to solely rely on Finger’s word in this story because he was arrested during EPT London for smashing in a restaurant door because he was hungry and they were closed. However, we don’t get a side of the story from Duhamel because he was too drunk to know what was going on as you can see from this tweet:

Just landed in Montreal, head still hurting after an amazing nigh out yeaterday! Really happy to be home for a few days and see my people.

Looking at the bigger picture here, you have to wonder about the kind of lifestyle that Jonathan Duhamel is living here. He hooks up with Bianca Rojas-Latraverse, who turned out to be crazy enough to plan a robbery against her ex-boyfriend. Now he’s getting so drunk that he gets punched in the face, and probably isn’t totally clear on what happened.

Perhaps he needs to step back and evaluate his lifestyle because, while he was recently the victim in a terrible robbery/beating, his actions could lead to more trouble in the future.